Welcome to the GSS Funding and Budget Allocations page. In this section you will find all the necessary information to submit a proper payment request and apply for a GSS budget allocation.
For those unfamiliar with the Tier II organization funding process, there are two ways to receive a GSS budget allocation for your group. The first is through a fiscal year budget allocation. This process requires the submission of a complete GSS Tier II Budget Allocation Request Workbook (see below) by the January 31 prior to the school year for which you are requesting funding. The second method for receiving funding is through a Special Allocation. These allocations can be pursued throughout the school year and are intended to help fund one-time expenditures and/or support groups new to the budget allocation process.
Below you will find policy documents, information sheets, and fillable forms that will hopefully answer any questions you may have about the payment request and budget allocation processes. If you have any additional questions after looking through this page, or would like to share a comment or concern, please feel free to contact GSS by email at gssuconn@gmail.com, or by stopping by our office in Room 213 of the Student Union during our office hours.
We look forward to serving you.
As of January 2016 the GSS requires that an attendance list be provided with all reimbursements. This can either be handwritten or collected via OneCard Reader. If handwritten, the GSS template, which can be found on this page, must be used.
You can find the GSS financial inquiry report below:
FY 2024-25 BUDGET-Approved 30 March 2023
GSS meeting minutes_30th October 2024
FY 2023-24 BUDGET-Approved 22 March 2023
FY 2022-23 BUDGET-Approved 5 October 2022
GSS meeting minutes_Oct_5_2022_FY_22-23-Budget
FY 2021-22 BUDGET – Approved 17 March 2021
FY 2020-21 BUDGET – Approved 1 April 2020
FY 2019-20 BUDGET – Approved 24 April 2019
FY 2018-19 BUDGET – Approved 11 April 2018
FY 2017-18 BUDGET – Approved 3 May 2017
Tier II Reimbursement Checklist (Revised: December 4, 2019)
- To ensure that your reimbursement is processed in a complete and timely manner, please use this checklist to verify that all the required documents described in this checklist are included when submitting your reimbursement request packets.
Payment Request Form (Revised: December 4, 2019)
Expense Codes- Chart of Accounts (Revised: 2017)
- The newly slimmed-down and renamed form can now be filled out electronically and be printed on a single double-sided sheet of paper. We are now asking that you enter the expense code in this form and the codes can be found in the link below the Payment Request Form. Please note that all payment requests must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the expense.
GSS Tier II Budget Allocation Request Workbook (Revised: December 4, 2012)
- This workbook is to be completed when preparing a GSS fiscal year budget allocation request.
Special Allocation Request Form (Revised: December 4, 2019)
- Special Allocation requests are due in the GSS Office at least two weeks prior to the Senate meeting where/when the request will be presented. However, as many requests require modification before Executive Committee and Senate review, representatives are encouraged to submit their request forms to the GSS Office as early as possible.
GSS Community Service Award Application
Budget Approval Flow Chart (Revised: August 29, 2019)
Attendance Reference for Budget Process Flow Chart (Revised: August 29, 2019)
GSS Finance Policies and Procedures (Updated: February, 2019)
The most up-to-date version of the GSS Finance Policies and Procedures, which contains all the official rules concerning how GSS handles its money.
30-Day Reimbursement Request Limitation (Effective: July 1, 2012)
Memo sent to Tier II graduate organization leaders on June 19, 2012.
Reimbursements for Tips (Effective: August 30, 2012)
Memo sent to Tier II graduate organization leaders on August 30, 2012.
Placing Orders with UConn Internal Vendors (Effective: October 8, 2012, Updated: January 25, 2013)
Memo sent to Tier II graduate organization leaders on October 8, 2012. Updated memo sent out on Janaury 25, 2013.
Advertising Events on the Graduate Listserv (Effective: January 25, 2013)
Memo sent to Tier II graduate organization leaders on January 25, 2013.
Submitting Finance-Related Requests (Effective: January 25, 2013, Updated: February 7, 2013)
Memo sent to Tier II graduate organization leaders on January 25, 2013. Updated memo sent out on February 7, 2013.
Guideline Regarding Tier II Expenses Paid in Cash (Effective: February 7, 2013)
Memo sent to Tier II graduate organization leaders on February 7, 2013.
Policies and Procedures_for_Tier_II_Organizations
The most up-to-date version of the UConn Student Activities Business Office’s policies and procedures that GSS is subject to.
Tier II Financial Planning and Payment Request Flowchart
Overview of the GSS Reimbursement and Direct Payment Process (Revised: February 7, 2013)
- This provides information about the paperwork and processing required to obtain a reimbursement or direct payment from the GSS Office for a Tier II graduate organization expense.
Overview of the GSS Budgeting Process & Funding Guidelines (Revised: December 4, 2012)
- This is a copy of the presentation from the GSS Budget Information Sessions that gives an overview of the process for Tier II graduate student organizations to obtain funding from GSS.
Guidelines of Documentation Required for Submitting Exec Travel Reimbursements
FY 2017-18 Exec Travel Reimbursement Amounts Verification