External Committees

For GSS External Committee members: the standardized Committee Report Form can be found here. If you are interested in participating on a committee, please contact GSS Parliamentarian Noah Kravette (gssparliamentarian@uconn.edu) for more information.

Board of Trustees

The functions of the Board of Trustees are legislative and not executive. The Board appoints the President; determines the general policy of the University, including the establishment of new schools and colleges; makes laws for its government; manages its investments; and directs the expenditure of funds. The functions of the Board of Trustees are legislative and not executive. The Board appoints the President; determines the general policy of the University, including the establishment of new schools and colleges; makes laws for its government; manages its investments; and directs the expenditure of funds.

GSS Representative: Joy Hamer

Contact:  joy.hamer@uconn.edu

Website: http://boardoftrustees.uconn.edu/


Student Union Policy Council

The Student Union Policy Council is a board that consists of student representatives from student organizations that are housed within the Student Union or represent large groups of students. This council consists of 18 voting members and 3 non-voting members. The Policy Council represents the voice of the student body in how to create a stronger Student Union that is beneficial to all the students on campus.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://studentunion.uconn.edu/student-union-policy-council/


University Senate

The University Senate is a legislative body responsible for establishing minimum rules and general regulations pertaining to all undergraduate schools and colleges. The Senate is also responsible for establishing general educational policy in areas not reserved to the Board of Trustees, to the administration, or to the several faculties.

GSS Representatives: 


Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/


University Senate Executive Committee

The Executive Committee organizes and coordinates the business of the University Senate and its committees.

GSS Representative: Bryan Greene

Contact: gsspresident@uconn.edu

Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/blank/

University Senate Graduate Faculty Council

The Graduate Faculty Council is the legislative body of the Graduate School. It establishes academic policy for graduate education at the University, except for those areas reserved to the Board of Trustees, the University Senate, or the Faculties of the other colleges and schools. The 60 members, representing specific content areas derived from constituent Fields of Study, are elected to serve three-year terms. The membership includes two voting student members chosen by the Graduate Student Senate

GSS Representatives: 


Website: http://grad.uconn.edu/faculty-staff/graduate-faculty-council/

University Senate Budget Committee

This committee reviews the planning, negotiation, and allocation of the University’s operating, capital, and other budgets, the process of making budgetary and financial decisions and the determination of priorities among academic and other programs having financial implications. This committee may recommend any desirable expressions of Senate opinion on these matters, and it makes an annual report at the April meeting of the Senate. The committee includes two undergraduate students and one graduate student.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/university-budget-committee/

Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee

The Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee is charged annually by the Provost and the Executive Vice President for Administration to provide recommendations and advice regarding a fee structure that supports excellence, with procedures that are comprehensive and uniform without sacrificing efficiency and flexibility.

GSS Representative:


Website: http://sfac.uconn.edu/

Joint Elections Committee

GSS Representative:


Website: http://vote.uconn.edu/

University Senate Student Welfare Committee

This committee reviews the conditions that contribute to the academic success, personal development and well-being of students, including available forms of financial aid. It may seek the opinion of the Senate on such matters and make recommendations. The committee includes one graduate student and two undergraduate students.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/student-welfare-committee/

University Senate Diversity Committee

This committee reviews University policies, practices, and conditions relevant to supporting and promoting diversity among students, faculty, and staff. This committee may recommend any desirable expressions of Senate opinion on these matters, and it makes an annual report at the April meeting of the Senate. The committee includes two undergraduate students, one graduate student, and a representative from each of the other Senate Standing Committees.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/diversity-committee/

University Senate Faculty Standards Committee

This committee continuously reviews University policies and practices relating to tenure, academic freedom, workloads, rank and promotion, remuneration, retirement, and other matters affecting the faculty and proposes any desirable expression of Senate opinion on these matters, including proposals to the Trustees for modifications in their rules and regulations on these matters. The committee includes two undergraduate students and one graduate student.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/faculty-standards-committee/

University Senate Scholastic Standards Committee

This committee prepares legislation within the jurisdiction of the Senate concerning those scholastic matters affecting the University as a whole, and not assigned to the Curricula and Courses Committee, including special academic programs, the marking system, scholarship standards, and the like. It makes an annual report at the February meeting for the Senate. This committee includes two undergraduate students and one graduate student.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/scholastic-standards-committee/

University Senate Growth and Development Committee

This committee keeps under review the general changes, actual and prospective, of the University over time and may recommend any desirable expressions of Senate opinion on these matters. The committee may also provide on behalf of the Senate an evaluation and review of specific issues and activities related to institutional advancement. The committee includes two undergraduate students and one graduate student.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://senate.uconn.edu/growth-development-committee/

Provost’s Library Advisory Committee

The Provost’s Library Advisory Committee (PLAC) provides advice to the Vice Provost for University Libraries and to the Provost on such library policy matters as the PLAC Chair, Vice Provost for University Libraries, or the Provost elect to bring to the Committee. Appropriate issues for the PLAC include all forms of scholarly information acquisition by the University and all forms of information delivery to its faculty and students. Appointed by the Provost’s Office, membership includes representation from each of the school and colleges, from disciplines within CLAS, and from at least one of the Regional Campuses. Undergraduate Student Government and the Graduate Student Senate are also invited to appoint a representative to the Committee. Appointments are for a two year term and members may be reappointed at the end of a term

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://lib.uconn.edu/about/plac/


University Parking Advisory Committee

The Parking Advisory Committee is charged with the responsibility of reviewing parking rules, regulations, and policies. The committee also makes recommendations to the campus administration. All constituent groups on campus are represented on this committee.

GSS Representative:


Website: http://guide.uconn.edu/parking-transportation/

University Student Recreation Advisory Committee

Prior to the new Student Recreation Centre being constructed, a committee of students advises the Department of Recreation Services regarding the services, spaces and amenities the committee feels would best meet the needs of students. Further, once the building is open and operating, a standing board – or some other body – will be formed to assist in governing the use of space in the facility. A specific charter for these groups will need to be written should the board approve the project.

GSS Representatives:


Website: http://recreation.uconn.edu/new-rec-center/


UConn Community Resources Team

The CRT includes UConn employees, students and off-campus partners who work to address issues of sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking on campus. CRT’s collaborative work ensures that UConn provides a coordinated, compassionate, trauma-informed response to victims and survivors.

GSS Representatives:


Website: http://president.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/193/2014/10/2014-09-25-Letter-to-SFS.pdf

UConn Environmental Policy Advisory Council

The EPAC meets once per semester, or as needed, and may appoint committees and task forces in order to: Develop and revise UConn’s environmental policy statement; identify environmental risks and recommend goals, policies and procedures to address risks and improve environmental performance; identify opportunities and sponsor initiatives designed to advance and achieve environmental sustainability; develop strategies for building environmental awareness and engaging students, staff and faculty in environmental initiatives; advise the University about conservation and development plans and activities; formulate strategies for dealing with stakeholder groups on environmental issues; monitor the University’s environmental performance and sponsor periodic environmental reports; help organize and promote outreach events and partnerships that showcase the University’s environmental leadership; nominate and select recipients of the University’s environmental leadership awards.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://www.ecohusky.uconn.edu/about/epac.html

AAUP Marth Mentorship Award Committee

The UConn AAUP established the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award to recognize the leadership and dedication of Edward Marth, former Executive Director of the UConn AAUP Chapter, and to encourage and reward outstanding mentoring of graduate students by UConn Graduate Faculty members. Recipients will have had direct and significant impact and involvement with graduate students, outstanding commitment and effectiveness as a mentor of graduate students, and have demonstrated unusual effort to provide consistent mentoring of graduate students during the course of their careers at UConn. Recipients of the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award are UConn Graduate Faculty members who have extraordinary records of excellence and effectiveness in activities such as facilitating smooth transitions for both entering and exiting graduate students; showing sensitivity to students’ academic, personal, and professional goals and needs; being accessible to students; playing an active role in coaching graduate students through the graduate school experience and connecting them to appropriate intellectual and professional networks; and, guiding graduate students toward intellectual and professional independence.

GSS Representative:


Website: http://grad.uconn.edu/faculty-staff/faculty-recognition/


Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Committee

The committees charge is to recommend annually selected individuals to the Board of Trustees for designation as Board of Trustees Distinguished Professors, and to assure that those nominees meet the standards of stature and contribution that clearly merit this distinction.

GSS Representative: 


Website: http://provost.uconn.edu/board-of-trustees-distinguished-professor/

UConn Smoking Policy Task Force

This group historically reviewed campus smoking policies, implementation, and consequences for non-compliance. It was reconvened in 2016 to review and address new policy concerns.

GSS Representative:


Website: http://policy.uconn.edu/2011/06/02/smoking-policy/