Short-Term Loans

The GSS Short-term Emergency Loans

The Graduate Student Senate offers short-term, interest-free emergency loans to a maximum of $2,000 to any graduate student who is in good financial standing with the University of Connecticut.

If you would like to apply for a short-term emergency loan, please follow the link below to fill out the online application. For more information or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 

Note: We require that you provide adequate detail in describing your emergency. Descriptions of two or three words, such as “pay bills”, will NOT be sufficient in explaining your financial situation and may result in the rejection of your loan application.

Fill out the following form to apply for a short-term loan:

GSS Short-Term Loan Request Form (Updated Form_August 22, 2022)

Fill out the following form to request a loan extension:

GSS Short-Term Loan Extension Form (Updated_December_23,2022)

Check the following form to learn about the short-term loan criteria:

GSS Short-Term Loan Criteria_Updated_November_21_2022